My short story “Hully” is appearing in the July 2022 issue of Bards and Sages Quarterly, now on sale. B&SQ is distributed in print, PDF, epub, and Kindle format, and is available for free in digital format for subscribers to the Bards and Sages newsletter. (Details available at their site.)
“Hully” is the story of a young boy who gains an imaginary (or perhaps not so imaginary) friend, whom he uses against those who bully him.
My thanks to Julie Ann Dawson and the rest of the staff of B&SQ for making “Hully” to the public.
I loved your story. What an engaging premise! Hully had me thinking about it days after I’d read it. I’ve highly recommended it to friends.
Susan, thanks for your kind remarks! I’m glad you enjoyed “Hully.”
I thought “Mrs. Whitfield’s Treasures” was an extraordinary story. The twist at the end sent me reeling!
Thank you!! That means a lot to me 🙂